Yard 86

Yard 86 is a family run dairy farm owned by the Hart family. The farm is located in Redmond in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The higher rainfall of the region means the cows have access to pasture year round, and are only fed additional hay and silage as necessary. Once the cows have been milked, the milk is gently pasteurized at lower temperatures than more conventional methods which slows the process down and allows for a more natural outcome in the milk. The milk is bottled on site and is avaialble in glass 1L or plastic 2L bottles. Yard 86 dairy believes in minimal processing of the milk to retain as much of the natural goodness as possible, and you can taste the difference. They sell their range of home-grown dairy products every week at Albany Farmers Market, including milk, yoghurt, cream, iced coffee and chocolate milk. love to meet our customers and talk about how we operate. Meet the Hart family at the market – they love to talk to their customers and share what makes them a unique, local dairy.