Honeyed Apple Pudding

Ingredient: Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and large chunk
Quantity: 500
Measurement: g
Ingredient: Self raising flour
Quantity: 125
Measurement: g
Ingredient: Light brown sugar
Quantity: 100
Measurement: g
Ingredient: Melted butter
Quantity: 100
Measurement: g
Ingredient: egg
Quantity: 1
Ingredient: Full cream milk
Quantity: 200
Measurement: ml
Ingredient: ground cinnamon
Quantity: 0.5
Measurement: tsp
Ingredient: Hot water
Quantity: 150
Measurement: ml
Ingredient: Honey
Quantity: 2
Measurement: Tbsp
Ingredient: Light brown sugar
Quantity: 100
Measurement: g
Place apple chunks in the bottom of baking dish, using enough fruit to make one layer.
Whisk melted butter, egg, milk and cinnamon, then add flour and brown sugar. Whisk until you have a runny batter.
Pour batter gently over fruit in the baking dish.
Mis hot water, honey and brown sugar to make topping, then pour over batter and apple. Sprinkle brown sugar over the top.
Bake in over for 45-50 minutes, by which time the sides will be bubbling and the top will be a crispy sugar brown.
Serve with warm yoghurt, cream or ice cream.