Sweet and sour cherry marmalade

Easy to make, this accompaniment for ham, duck or venison is a treat for that special meal. It can be made a day or two before and kept in the fridge.

Ingredient: butter
Quantity: 1
Measurement: Tbsp
Ingredient: onion, thinly sliced
Quantity: 1
Ingredient: bay leaf (optionl)
Quantity: 1
Ingredient: cloves (optional)
Quantity: 5
Ingredient: fresh cherries, stoned and halved
Quantity: 300
Measurement: g
Ingredient: caster sugar
Quantity: 2
Measurement: Tbsp
Ingredient: red wine vinegar (or substitute part with shiraz)
Quantity: 3
Measurement: Tbsp
Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan.
Add the onion, stir well, cover and simmer for about 25 minutes. It's important not to let it burn - it should soften down and colour gently.
Add the stoned and halved cherries, sugar and vinegar and simmer for about 15 minutes, until liquid has evaporated and you have a runny jam-like consistency.
Cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to use.